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Virtual Dates



30 minutes - $75 | 1 hour - $100



Video Chat

5 mins - $75| 15 mins - $125| 20 mins - $150 | 

30 mins - $175 

PG-13  rates Skype call where we can get to know each other , discuss our day, or just flirt. 



Rated R Video Chat  

5 mins- $100 |15 mins - $150 | 20 mins - $200 |

30 mins - $250

It’s getting hot in here. Let’s get undressed and turn it up a notch. 


Virtual Girlfriend 

A day - $250 |$600 - week

Nude swap, morning and night text, texting throughout the day, and dick rating. 


Unlimited Virtual Girlfriend 

$800 - week | $1,750 - month


Daily photo, nude swap, *unlimited texting, daily phone call, sexting, weekly video chat, morning and night text, weekly movie date. 

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